Ag Grapple (20-40 HP)

skid steer attachments

Skid Steer Attachments – AGGR

Dirt Dog’s AGGR ag grapple is the best choice for cleaning up brush and debris with your AG loader. The AGGR is available for skid steer, Euro or John Deer ag loaders up to 40 horse power. With its powerful single arm opening to 27”, it can tackle large brush piles and logs with ease. The 2” x 8” ASAE tie rod cylinder produces the clamping force for the 5/8” thick tines allowing the operator to sift through and grab debris, making it easy to manipulate. Each tine has a 5/8” replaceable plow point, extending the life of your grapple. The AGGR comes in 60” & 72” widths and is available in red, green, orange, blue, yellow or black powder coat.

Designed for AG Tractors – not for Skid Steer use

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